- Production of soda soft drink. Source: shuttertock.com, Stock vector graphic ID: 2256462859
- Modern isometric infographics in data centre. Source: shuttertock.com, Stock vector graphic ID: 1913122399
- Green city. Lifestyle design in the metropolis. Source: shutterstock.com, Stock vector graphic ID: 389383552
- Dairy plant. Milchfabrik. Source: shutterstock.com, Stock vector graphic ID: 2301051193
- Squaring with an ice plough and rafting ice sheets. Source: "Gartenlaube" magazine
- Girls deliver ice. Heavy work that formerly belonged to men only is being done by girls. The ice girls are delivering... - Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Girls_deliver_ice._Heavy_work_that_formerly_belonged_to_men_only_is_being_done_by_girls._The_ice_girls_are_delivering..._-_NARA_-_533758.tif#/media/File:Girls_deliver_ice._Heavy_work_that_formerly_belonged_to_men_only_is_being_done_by_girls._The_ice_girls_are_delivering..._-_NARA_-_533758.tif
- Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/industrie-technologie-fabrik-geschaft-5532664/
- Three nature leaf with electrical battery inside Free Vector. Source: Vecteezy. https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/identity
- Eco city, world environment and sustainable development concept, vector illustration Free Vector. Source: Vecteezy. https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/bio
- Aerial Inspection Rooftop Air Conditioning Systems, ZPZ3RNJ, by felixmizioznikov::envato.com
Modern server room, QXC7LLU, by inmicco::envato.com
All other images and graphics, creation and copyright sp.ICE GmbH